Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 52: Manchester to Portsmouth, NH 62 miles, W: 0-10 E, Temp Perfect, Clear

Atlantic Ocean, July 27, 2010

Bikes getting ready for the last leg to the beach.

Loren, Phil and Cindy at the last sag stop of the trip

Rick and Rob Rowley having a cup of coffee 12 miles from the beach.

Riding along the beach as a group for the last time.

Larry enjoy a cool drink after the beach.

The boat.

Rob, Rick and Phil before we go our seperate ways.

14th state in 52 days.


Day 52: EFI (every fantastic inch) 3,990 miles, 124,479 feet climbed, 52 days away from home and family, 31+ new friends, over 1.0 Million revolutions of my pedals.

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