Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 42: Wooster to Youngstown, OH, 101 miles, W: 10-15 SW, Temp 72-93 Clear.

I miss going to the lake and water skiing.

Early morning light on a open Ohio road.
The roads in this part of Ohio are horrible, Bob Stoops would not approve.

What do we do now, time to improvise.


Wild Thing Rob after lunch and milk shake.

Day 42: We rode into the hometown of the legendary Oklahoma Sooner football coach Bob Stoops. Legs were a bit like jello today and the 101 miles didn’t help them revive. Third 100+ day in row, although today there were a few of us that decide to extend the original route by 10 mile to make it our 3rd century in a row. Tomorrow is number 4! The area of Ohio we rode into was more populated and the rodes stunk. You can tell this state is a republican state because they have not spent any of their stimulus dollars on road repair. We had plenty of hills, just a bit less then yesterday. We climbed over 4,000 feet again today. We were force to improvise because of road construction, a little dirt and gravel doesn’t slow the group down. Tomorrow it is on to Erie, PA and our last rest day. Here are some stats of the trip: Miles covered 3,218, climbed 93,385 feet, spent 195 hours on the bike, averaged around 16.5 mph, and burnt 177,000 calories. It’s T-Minus 9 days of riding. Not going to think about life after this ride just yet, I am going to enjoy the ride!
July 17, 2010
Miles today: 101.3
Elevation climbed today4,030
Total miles todate: 3,218

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