Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 37: Crawfordsville to Indianapolis, IN, 63 miles, W: 5-10 W, Temp 65-85, Cloudy.

Larry Johnson, Scott Rossiter and their mentor.

Great sculpture at the entry to Eagle Creek state park.

Entry to the speedway.

Riding a few laps on the Velodrone

Entry to the NCAA headquarters.

Day 37: It rained over an inch last night so I thought there was a pretty good chance we would get wet today but not a drop. It was cloudy and cool for most of our flat ride into Indianapolis. We had several stops of interest today; first being the Roark Bicycle factory. They are an award winning maker of titanium bikes. They also make plenty of aircraft parts for the government, it was a interesting tour. 2nd stop was the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The complex is enormous and it represents over 100 years of car racing history. The last stop was the Major Taylor Velodrome bike track. Marshall “Major” Taylor was an international cycling star from the area who’s career was filled with racism and he was banned from racing on both the local velodromes tracks. He was more famous on the international cycling scene then in his own country. What a shame. We were able to get on the track with our own bikes and take as many laps as we wanted on the severely banked track. Then is was on to downtown Indy following city bike paths. We followed the river into town past the NCAA national headquarters and the past the National Institute for Fitness and Sports. We took a vote that riding a bike across the USA should get each of us a lifetime membership into the institute. Rest day tomorrow, a visit from Drew and real coffee from Starbucks. Can’t wait.

July 12, 2010
Miles today: 63,
Total miles to date: 2,828

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