Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 38: Rest day in Indianapolis

After a long trip she still looks great!

Downtown Indy, large fountain and monument honoring falling sons of Indiana.

New Colts stadium!

This is the house Payton Manning built.

Day 38: Rest day in Indianapolis. It didn’t quite work out like planned, Drew’s flight was cancelled so she didn’t arrive at the hotel until noon, almost a day late, Thanks Delta! So our plans to visit a few museums, have a massage and nice dinner were cut short. The sports massage did happen and a great dinner at St. Elmo’s steak house made it a great day. Even though we spent less then 24 hours together it was worth seeing her. I think she is excited and relieved that there are only 2 weeks left on this adventure. Tomorrow it is back on the bike and on to Richmond, IN

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