Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 43: Youngstown, OH to Erie, PA, 102.5 Miles, W: 0-5 S, Temp: 68-88, Clear

Evening sunset in Youngstown!

Rob Ahlquist in front of a not to friendly winery.

Cool building though, the only picture the owner would let me take?

Best rootbeer float ever! Richardson's Rootbeer Stand in OH.

Is this a happy guy or what! Larry Johnson.

Richardson's Rootbeer Stand.

The 10th state!

Day 43: Departed Youngstown early morning, it was so quiet and peaceful. No traffic and the roads made a drastic improvement over yesterday. We must have traveled though the area of Ohio that elected public servants interested in improving the roads. The terrain through this part of Ohio was relatively flat and we started getting into the deciduous area of the state. We made a few stops that took my mind off my legs and how they were not working like they did 4 days ago. We stop at a winery that we were told had good sandwiches but a few of us arrived before they were open and they were not that friendly with us. I tried to take a few pictures of the restaurant and wine tasting area and the owner didn’t like that at all. Not all Buckeye’s are friendly So we left and went to the next stop which made the day. Richardson’s Rootbeer Stand. What a treat! I had the best rootbeer float I have ever had, it was a place right out of the 50’s. Then on to Erie and a rest day. Little did we know that the last 4 miles into our hotel would greet us with a few climbs that were 13%. Might not sound like much but after 415 miles in 4 days it was a big bummer. I won’t share the choice words that came out of some riders mouths, not mine. Tomorrow a few of us are going to make a trip up to Niagra Falls. Looking forward to a day off the bike then the home stretch, 8 days of riding and then this incredible trip is over. We have covered a lot of ground, it only looks impressive when you look at a map. I went by a sign for I80 west to Cleveland. Hard to believe that we were on that interstate in Nevada and Utah.
July 18, 2010
Miles today: 102.4
Total: 3.321
Elevation gain today: 2,487

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