Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 48: Liverpool to Little Falls, NY 78.5 Miles, W; 10-20 SE, Temp: 60-65, RAIN:

Getting ready for a rainy day on the bike, Gloria is asking "do we really have to ride in this"?

Rain at the end too!

Great mural.

Look no spandex, Erie Canal.

One of the tallest lock lifts in the world.

The actual lock
Don and Rob after the rain stopped.

Day 48: Mother Nature showed us a thing or two about rain today. It POURED from the second we left the hotel in Liverpool all the way to the hotel in Little Falls, NY. There was no escaping water, it was everywhere and the temperature never rose above 65 so it was a bit brisk. No photo opportunities although the terrain we rode through was beautiful. The roads were good and I never felt outside of my comfort zone riding today. It was the kind of day you sucked up the determination and push forward. We road along the Erie Canal for awhile. Our stop for the night, the town of Little Falls has Lock #17 which is one of the tallest water locks in the world. It also has historical area close to the Mohawk River and the canal. When I got to my hotel I ordered a 12” sausage grinder sub with a quart of chocolate milk, The deli delivered it to my room. Once I got warm and dry I was not about to go back out. The rained stopped after dinner so I was able to venture out and get some pictures of the canal and some local flavor. 4 days left in this adventure, I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed and being with my family.
July 23, 2010
Miles today: 78.5
Total miles:3,659
Climbing today: 771

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