Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 34, Quincy to Springfield, IL, 112 miles, W: 5-15 N, Temp: 68-85, Sunny.

2 riders from Bike & Build, a group of 33 students riding across america for Habitat for America.

Pictures in a corn field, in the word of our tour leader, Gerad this is a "Cornagraphic image"

Illinois State Capital building

Statue of Abraham Lincoln in front of the Capital.

Day 34: Lots and lots of corn and soy bean fields. Flat terrain, bright blue sk’s and very comfortable temperatures. We covered plenty of miles today, 2nd day in a row to go over 100 miles. My legs feel good but more importantly my bike seat and I have come to an understanding, I won’t hurt it if it won’t hurt me. So far so good! I rode with my consistent riding partner Phil, but today we got a treat and rode the day with Gerand Boisse one of our tour leaders. Gerard is an amazing guy, he is a great bike mechanic, a super bike rider and has a very witty sense of humor. We worked it hard today and were able to average over 18 mgh for 112 miles, not bad for a couple of ole dudes. Stopped by and took pictures of the state capital and rode fast to get our milk shake fix. We have our 3rd century in a row tomorrow, oh boy!
July 9, 2010
Miles today, 112
Total to date: 2,579
Elevation gain today, 2,487

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