Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 41: Marysville to Wooster, OH, 104 miles, W: 5-10N, Temp 70-90 Partly cloudy

The hills begin, The hill in the far distance registered 13% grade. Fun!

Big John enjoying the day.

A few locals and some sweaty bikers at the ice cream shop.

The many forms of transportation in Ohio.

Day 41: Lots of climbing today and plenty of miles. Our morning departure provide more photo opportunities with more great Ohio country roads. Phil did some recruiting last night and secured the A team to form up a nice pace line. He were able to convinced Rob Ahlquist and Gerard Bossie to join the team and the fun. The first 75 miles flew by with a pace group of 8 and each of us pulling for a 1 mile it kept everybody fresh and strong. Then we hit the 75 miles mark and the hills hit us hard. Over 4000 feet of climbing. The group broke apart and everyone pretty much struggled through the hills either on their own or in small groups. Dari Land i
Ice Cream and Sandwich shop in Wooster was the most welcomed sight of the day. After a final climb of which exceeded 12% grade we were tired, hot and hungry. The difficultly of the day didn’t take anything away from a great day to be on a bike. One more day in Ohio the onto Erie Pennsylvania.
July 16, 2010
Miles today: 104
Total for trip: 3,115
Elevation climbed today: 4,039

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