Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 26, Great Bend to McPherson, KS, 65 miles, W:15-20, Temp 69-92

Great Clouds McPherson Opera House

Day 26, Kansas was not as biker friendly today has it has been, not that I’m complaining. I am grateful we had no rain, terrain was flat and I had great riding partners. Scott and Rob from the Boston area were work horses along with Wild Thing Rob from Houston. Together we cut the wind and made good time into McPherson, KS. We were again greeted by the familiar Braum’s sign with cold ice cream. Toured the downtown area of McPherson, had an interesting cab ride into town. Good thing our resident economist Phil was co-piloting the cab or there is no telling the consequense of the eradict driving by our cab driver. Not a lot to report on our day other then we are 65 miles closer to St. Joseph, MO and the 4th of July. Tomorrow is onto Abilene, KS the home of Dwight Eisenhower. I am looking forward to touring his library and museum.
July 1, 2010
Miles today: 63
Total Miles to date: 1,931
Elevation Gain: 510

1 comment:

  1. will just finish and then will find yourself on a plane headed to The Wedding! You know in 1972 on my coast to coast, I realized what eye brows were for.
