Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 47: Canangaigue to Liverpool, NY 73.5 Miles, W 5-15 W, Temp, 65-80, Clear

The shores of Lake Seneca.
Love the hat on this guy!

Erie Canal Park.

NY countryside.

Sunflower farm

Sunflower from a sunflower farm.

Day 47: Today was a leisure ride through the finger lakes area of NY. There were so many photo opportunities that I rode alone and took advantage of the great weather and a biker friendly tail wind. After a couple of pedal pounding days it was nice to cruise at a slower speed and enjoy the smells, the sights and the countryside. The scenery started early with Seneca Lake one of the largest of the finger lakes. Then we rode into Waterloo, NY, the birth place of Memorial Day, then into Seneca Falls, home of the Women’s Rights Hall of Fame. I had a quick glance at the Erie Canal, not what I thought but still historic. As we came into Liverpool, a suburb, of Syracuse, I rode through a park along Onondaga Lake where the Syracuse crew team practices. Lunch at a local favorite hot dog and milk shake house, Hied’s. They boast of their continuous line out the door. A great way to end a fantastic day of touring on the bike. Tomorrow we ride to Little Falls, NY. 5 days left!
July 22, 2010
Miles today: 72.46
Total Miles: 3,580.5
Elevation climbed: 2,498

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