Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 49: Little Falls to Latham, NY, 83 Miles, W: 0-5 SW, Temp: 68-82 Rain, Sun,Humid

Morning rain, mist and low flying clouds.

Boat in Lock 8 on the Mohawk River

On Bridge crossing the Mohawk

Roommates: John and Larry, best buddies.

Bike Path along the river, Pam, Judy and Phil. Phil is actually in back of the girls!
A great view and down hill on the Mohawk/Hudson bike path.

Day 49: Leaving Little Falls this morning it was not raining but that didn’t last long. We rode the first 35 miles along the Mohawk river in a light to moderate rain. It was very scenic with low hanging clouds and mist hanging over the river and the hills. This is a hilly area, a prelude to our climbing the next two days. More interesting photography subjects today. We rode almost 17 miles on the Mohawk/Hudson bike path. It was a nice break from riding on the roads and always having to be aware of what is going on around you. It was an opportunity to just cruise and enjoy the landscape. There was no hurry to get off the path except for Jumpin Jack’s Drive In about a third of the way into it. We stopped for lunch which included another rootbeer float and a chicken sandwich. Then it was back on the bike path for more cruising. After arriving at the hotel I decide to visit a nearby Starbuck’s, how I have missed the simple pleasures of my routine life. Not long now. Tomorrow we head of New York and into Vermont and the start of 2 pretty big days of climbing.
July 24, 2010
Miles: 83
Elevation 1,600

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