Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 32: Chillicothe to Kirksville,MO. 83 Miles, W: 5-10 SE, Temp: 75-85, Cloudy

MO Countryside

Linneus County Court House.

Rick from New Zealand, the rabbit!

Mural on building near the downtown square in Kirksville, MO

Entrance to Truman State University.

Day 32: Humidity, cloudy sky’s, and great country roads were on the menu today. As we started the day the roads were wet, so all the time I spent cleaning my bike last night was undone with in the first 50 yards from the motel. The route today was on back road with little traffic. Our first sag stop was in the small town of Linneus with a population less the 200. We rode through an area call “1000 Hills” country and it lived up to its name. There was no flat ground today. It was common to go from 35 mph to 9 mph with in seconds. Some of the hills had a grade of 13%, pretty steep if you have to use leg power to make it up and over. We had over 4,000 feet of climbing today, and our actual elevation change was very minimal. The last 20 miles we were on a newly paved road, it felt like our very own bike path with little traffic. Had lunch in the town square of Kirksville at a small deli where the made us chocolate milk to quench or thirst. We rode through the campus of Truman State University, a beautiful campus with old building, big trees and lots of gardens. Tomorrow we head to Quincy, IL.
Jule 7, 2010
Miles today: 83
Elevation climbed today: 4,246
Miles traveled to date: 2,365

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