Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 33: Kirksville, MO to Quicey, IL, 102 miles, W: 0-5 S, Temp: 68-82

Morning sky, no rain!

Rode ferry to cross from MO to IL

My Ship mate crossing the Mississippi: Larry, Rand, Phil and Adella
A relic from the Madison Davis bike shop in Quincy, IL

Madison Davis and Muggs, owners of the bike shop.
Madison and Cindy.

Great friends, Margie and Craig Savoye from St. Louis.

Day 33: Woke up today anticipating a day riding in the rain but the sky was partly cloudy and the weather was perfect for a century ride. Today we had rolling hills, more Amish country, some rough roads and a NEW STATE, but overall it was another super day of riding. We crossed over the Mississippi River from Missouri to Illinois on the ferry and rode the last 30 miles into Quincy on the flat river bottom of the road. I don’t know much about the history of Quincy but it is a beautiful old river town with large homes on tree lined parkways. The downtown area has a square with a tree filled park in the center and a monument recognizing the Lincoln vs. Douglas debates. We had lunch at a small restaurant on the square and of course topped it off with ice cream before stopping by the local bike shop to restock in some necessities. The Madison & Davis bike shop is owned by a descendent of President James Madison. It was reminiscent of a bike museum filled with old bikes, parts and nostalgic. The owner who’s first name was Madison started the shop with his father over 60 years ago, he is 88. Craig and Margie Savoye made the 100 mile drive from St. Louis to have dinner and hand deliver a large bag of fresh chocolate chip cookies. I am ready for another 100 miles tomorrow.
July 8, 2010
Miles today: 102
Total to date: 2,467

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