Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 35: Springfield to Champaign, IL, 100 miles, W:0-5 N, Temp 65-85 Clear

Great shadow day.

The Lincoln family farm was not to far from here.

Riders in the corn.

A control burn along the way.
Day 35: Long, flat, more corn and all back country roads. Glad the day is over, 3 days and 3 century rides is a lot of saddle time. We cut it back over the next 2 days and then a rest day. It was a perfect day to ride, temperatures were very comfortable, there was very little climbing and we traveled many roads where the corn fields were lining the road and taller then me. Not to many photo opportunities. I rode a good part of the day by myself, it was relaxing and great therapy. Tomorrow we enter our 8th state, hard to believe we have traveled over 2,500 miles and only passed through 7 states. We have 15 days of riding left, not quite sure how I will feel when this great trip is over. Tomorrow we go to Crawfordville IN.

July 10, 2010
Miles today: 100
Total miles to date: 2,679

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