Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 27, McPherson to Abilene, KS, 65 Miles, W: 20-25 S, Temp 70-95

Doug the Conductor in Abilene, KS


King of the Hill!!

John Nixon, Michelle Sahli (tour leader), Lauren Stafford: enjoying a great lunch at the Dish.

A little history along the way: Rob Ahlquist, the masher from Boston

Day 27: HALF-WAY!!!! It’s all downhill from here. The wind was our friend today, strong south winds and a northerly route let us go fast and peddle with ease. We traveled back country roads that reveled beautiful farm country. The terrain is changing, more trees, rolling hills are beginning and the humidity is increasing. We arrived in Abilene, KS, the home town of a great American president, Dwight D. Eisenhower. After lunch at a local favorite and the best sandwich I have had on the trip I spent several hours at the Eisenhower complex. The presidential library, Eisenhower’s museum, his boyhood home and his final resting place all a wonderful tribute to a man that embraced is Duty to his country. Another 100 miles tomorrow. Hope the wind is my friend!
July 2, 2010
Daily Miles: 65
Total Miles to date: 1995
Elevation Gain today: 525

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