Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 9, Battle Mtn to Elko NV: 72 Miles, W: 10-15 SW, Temp 55-80

Day 9, Back on the rode again, it's a little like the movie Ground Hog Day but with different scenery to look at. My biggest challange is knowing which direction to turn to get to the bathroom in my motel in the middle of the night. Being in a different location everyday takes the routine out of morning habits. It was another great day to ride with foothills and rivers to view. We followed the California Trail for most of the day. I have a great appreciation for how big, open and diverse this grand ole USA is. We are grearing up of a long day on the bike tomorrow. We are a day out of Utah and a time change. We get to ride 108 miles, that means my bike seat and I are going to have some quality time together, again!

Date: June 14, 2010
Daily Miles: 72
Total Miles to date: 621
Total elevation today: 2500

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