Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 18, Montrose to Gunnison, CO: 80.5 Miles, W: 5-15 SW, Temp 58-82.

Entrance to Black Canyon, near Montrose, CO

Overlooking Black Canyon

Breaking for Choc. milk shakes with Rob and Phil

Blue Mesa Lake outside of Gunnison, CO

Day 18: The stars must have all lined up perfect last night because today was a 10 out of a 10. Sun, wind, mountains, temp. and scenery were all perfect. Never had a ride quite like today. Started the day with a 15 mile detour with Rob Rowley and Phil Young, both awesome cyclists, we climb 2,000 feet to see Black Canyon. Just outside of Montrose, it is a spectacular, deep canyon with the Gunnison River running through it. After the detour we had multiple climbs and decents with incredible views. No way to explain how pretty it was. Part of the ride was along Blue Mesa Lake which extends about 15 miles. Stopped mid-day for a choc. milk shake and a boost of energy before another long climb. Lunch in Gunnison. What a day! Tomorrow we climb Monarch Pass and into Salida, CO. This was a day to remember!
June 23, 2010
Daily Miles, 80.5
Total trip miles: 1300
Elevation Gain for day: 7,050

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