Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 4: Auburn to Truckee. 74 Miles W; NW 15, Temp: 50-59, Rain

Day 4, This was a major climbing day, gained close to 8,000 feet, had some grades that exceed 15%, used every gear I had and still needed more. I love the climbs much more then pounding it out on the flats. Arrived early at the hotel with Rob and Scott, in time to clean the grit and grim of body and bike. The rain was a big factor, got dirty and wet but whatcha gonna do? Great scenery, mountain terrain for the whole day, Snow on top of Donner Pass, then a screaming down hill for about 6 miles. Staying in Truckee, a mountain town close to Lake Tahoe. Tomorrow is another day of climbing, and mountain views, can't wait.

June 8, 74 Miles,
Vertical climb, 8450
Total miles to date: 266

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