Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 13 Salt Lake City to Provo, UT. 65 Miles, W: 5-15 SW, T: 60-82

Entering a No Treaspass area on SLC airport

How many bike riders does it take to change a flat?

Don from Baltimore at BYU campus entry

They say they play football at BYU?

Day 13: Lots of city riding after a great day off. Had some bike path riding, hills, and major city streets to enter into Provo. Cycled through the BYU campus and treated our sweet tooths to milk shakes and ice cream at the BYU Creamery. The Creamery is owned and operated by the BYU Agri department. We added 4 new riders today that will ride with us for a week to Pueblo, CO. They have fit in great, eager to show us what they are made of. Routines are getting pretty fixed; wake, eat, ride, hot tube, clean bike, change flats, eat dinner, bed. It is amazing how fast the landscape changes, glad I am going slow to enjoy it.

June 18, 2010
Miles today, 65
Total Miles todate: 911
Elevation gain: 1850

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