Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 24, Garden City to Dodge City, KS, 51 miles, W-SW 5-10 Temp: 68-85

Local gals having morning coffee at Clark's drug store

Not suppose to take pics while you ride but I love shadow pics.

Great clouds and a typical grain elevator, lots of these in KS

Best rootbeer float I have in a long time.

Lots of days on the Santa Fe trail, at least we move faster then the wagon trains.

I'm not a longhorn fan but this is a cool bronze in Dodge City

Day 24, Today was probably the easiest day of the trip. Tail wind, perfect temperatures, short miles and good roads. Never thought I would feel that 50 + miles would be short and a piece of cake. Highlight of the day was a root beer float at the Clark Drug soda fountain, in Cimmeron, KS. Oprah Winfry is Clark Drug’s claim to fame. She even has a smoothie on the menu named after her. We have been riding the last few days on the Santa Fe Trail. Today we past a spot on where you could see the ruts from the many ox driven wagons that traveled the trail over 150 years ago. The landscape has a certain beauty, the recent rains have kept the prairie grass green and the wheat and corn fields growing fast. Dinner tonight is in the historic part of Dodge City. We will see gun fights and be able to visit Miss Kitty in her salon. Back to work tomorrow, longer miles, winds and heat.
June 29, 2010
Daily Miles: 51
Total Miles to date: 1749
Elevation Gain today: 650

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