Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 23: Lamar CO to Garden City, KS, 103 Miles, W, 13 S, Temp. 65-90

State #5, 9 to go!

WWII memorial in Lakin, KS
Lots of these fields in KS

And these!

Tending to business.

Day 23: Felt like a work day, certainly some routines built in. Phil Young, our tour equivalent to Lance, is a great rider and fun to ride with. The two of us decided to get the ride over since there were not many photo opportunities. We took 2 mile intervals pulling each other and actually it made the long ride go much faster. We were able to find a few sights to take pictures of including a mother cow and her hefers, the Kansas state line sign and many wheat fields. I forgot to mention yesterday that one of our riders had to cut his trip short, John Gunderson from CA, had to leave because of problems that develop from a fall he took early on in the trip. He stuck it out for 20 days, a heroic effort on the part of a great guy. Tomorrow is a short trip over to Dodge City, a nice break after 3 century rides.
June 28, 2010
Daily Miles, 103.5
Total miles for trip: 1,698
Elevation gain for today: 1000

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