Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 25 Dodge City to Great Bend, KS W: 5-10 SE, Temp. 68-92

Leaving Dodge!

Midway point of US between NYC and San Fran.

Great mural on the side of a building in Spearville, KS

Rob Rowley hiding in a wheat field.

Lots of Trains in KS

Day 25, Kansas has turned out to be a great state to ride a bike in, My apprehension about crossing the plains was unfounded. We have had great weather, low winds and very blue sky’s . Today was a perfect day, a great day to put the peddle to the metal and make great time. There were some good photo opportunities; leaving Dodge City, playing in the wheat fields, standing at halfway point between San Francisco and New York City, (not our halfway point) that comes in a few days. Did some fast pace-line riding today, it helps to click off the miles. It forces each rider in the pace line to focus, communicate and participate in the groups progress. The treat for the day came as we rolled into Great Bend and stopped at Braum’s for lunch and ice cream. Braum’s is an Oklahoma company, so I felt at home putting down a chocolate chip shake. Four more days in KS then on to the "Show me State” of MO
June 30, 2010
Daily Miles: 87.5
Minimal elevation gain: 280
Total Miles: 1837

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 24, Garden City to Dodge City, KS, 51 miles, W-SW 5-10 Temp: 68-85

Local gals having morning coffee at Clark's drug store

Not suppose to take pics while you ride but I love shadow pics.

Great clouds and a typical grain elevator, lots of these in KS

Best rootbeer float I have in a long time.

Lots of days on the Santa Fe trail, at least we move faster then the wagon trains.

I'm not a longhorn fan but this is a cool bronze in Dodge City

Day 24, Today was probably the easiest day of the trip. Tail wind, perfect temperatures, short miles and good roads. Never thought I would feel that 50 + miles would be short and a piece of cake. Highlight of the day was a root beer float at the Clark Drug soda fountain, in Cimmeron, KS. Oprah Winfry is Clark Drug’s claim to fame. She even has a smoothie on the menu named after her. We have been riding the last few days on the Santa Fe Trail. Today we past a spot on where you could see the ruts from the many ox driven wagons that traveled the trail over 150 years ago. The landscape has a certain beauty, the recent rains have kept the prairie grass green and the wheat and corn fields growing fast. Dinner tonight is in the historic part of Dodge City. We will see gun fights and be able to visit Miss Kitty in her salon. Back to work tomorrow, longer miles, winds and heat.
June 29, 2010
Daily Miles: 51
Total Miles to date: 1749
Elevation Gain today: 650

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 23: Lamar CO to Garden City, KS, 103 Miles, W, 13 S, Temp. 65-90

State #5, 9 to go!

WWII memorial in Lakin, KS
Lots of these fields in KS

And these!

Tending to business.

Day 23: Felt like a work day, certainly some routines built in. Phil Young, our tour equivalent to Lance, is a great rider and fun to ride with. The two of us decided to get the ride over since there were not many photo opportunities. We took 2 mile intervals pulling each other and actually it made the long ride go much faster. We were able to find a few sights to take pictures of including a mother cow and her hefers, the Kansas state line sign and many wheat fields. I forgot to mention yesterday that one of our riders had to cut his trip short, John Gunderson from CA, had to leave because of problems that develop from a fall he took early on in the trip. He stuck it out for 20 days, a heroic effort on the part of a great guy. Tomorrow is a short trip over to Dodge City, a nice break after 3 century rides.
June 28, 2010
Daily Miles, 103.5
Total miles for trip: 1,698
Elevation gain for today: 1000

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 22, Pueblo to Lamar, CO 122 miles, W: 5-15 NE, Temp 58-92

Leaving Pueblo in the early morning

Day 22, There is nervous anticipation heading into this next leg of our journey. The long miles, heat and humidity of the mid-west will make this the toughest part of the trip. Leaving Pueblo and saying goodbye to the mountains in the early morning hours was sad. Today was the longest mileage day we will have on the trip. There weren’t many photo opportunities so it was put your head down and crank out the miles. We did pass a few feed lots which added some spice to the air. We have some people on the trip that have never experienced the sight and smell. Another long one tomorrow, more of the same.
Miles today: 122
Elevation gain: 649

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 21: Rest day Pueblo CO

Jack, Judy & Rick on the Pueblo River Walk

Street art in Downtown Pueblo

Jack and Judy, what a couple!

Day 21, A much needed and anticipated rest day! Tried to sleep in but it didn't work! Jack & Judy made the drive down from Denver to help me relax and enjoy the day. Lunch, ice cream and a stroll along the River Walk area in downtown Pueblo is just what this weary biker needed. Last night my good friend Tim Culbertson came from Denver to join me for some authentic mexican food and a drive around the town. It was great to see family and friends. Many of our riders enjoyed the company of visiting family and friends. No doubt we are all anticipating our next leg of the journey.

Day 20, Salida to Pueblo, CO , 104.5 miles, W: 5-15 SW, Temp. 48-100

The few bikers to make trek to Royal Gorge

Great view!

No free ride.

Day 20, I tired to savor every second of our last day in the mountains. The Arkansas river treated us all morning down the canyon as we left Salida. Took a detour, which include an extra 10 miles of climbing up to the Royal Gorge. It was worth the time and effort. The view from the highest suspension bridge in the country with a 1,000 foot drop to the river below was awesome. Lunch in Canyon City and a 35 mile leg into Pueblo set us up for a rest day. Temperatures climbed to over 100 degrees, I guess it is preparation for the days to come. We hit the flat plains and hot temperatures for the next 8 days. Going to spend our rest day in Pueblo visiting with family from Denver and lounging around.
June 25, 2010
Daily Miles: 104.5
Total Miles: 1,473
Elevation Gain today: 3,087

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 19, Gunnison to Salida, CO 69.5 miles, W: 0-15 SW, Temp 47-95

View of our decent down off the Continental Divide.

Early morning departure from Gunnison

Big climb to the top of Monarch Pass.

Happy climbers, ready for a BIG downhill into Salida.

Day 19, I know in a few days the scenery, temperatures and the feel of this ride will change dramatically. Nothing can compare to cool mountain air, endless valleys with green grass and mountain streams and snow covered peaks to look at all day. This country is incredible, diverse in everyway. Today’s highlight was a steep 10 mile climb up Monarch Pass and a 25 mile decent in to Salida. Top speed going up was 12 mph, top speed going down was 46 mpg. We crossed over the Continental Divide and mother nature turned up the thermostat. Spending the night in Salida, a quaint mountain town rich with history. On to Pueblo, CO and a much needed rest day on Saturday.

June 24, 2010
Daily Miles, 69.5
Total to date: 1,300
Elevation Gain today, 4080

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 18, Montrose to Gunnison, CO: 80.5 Miles, W: 5-15 SW, Temp 58-82.

Entrance to Black Canyon, near Montrose, CO

Overlooking Black Canyon

Breaking for Choc. milk shakes with Rob and Phil

Blue Mesa Lake outside of Gunnison, CO

Day 18: The stars must have all lined up perfect last night because today was a 10 out of a 10. Sun, wind, mountains, temp. and scenery were all perfect. Never had a ride quite like today. Started the day with a 15 mile detour with Rob Rowley and Phil Young, both awesome cyclists, we climb 2,000 feet to see Black Canyon. Just outside of Montrose, it is a spectacular, deep canyon with the Gunnison River running through it. After the detour we had multiple climbs and decents with incredible views. No way to explain how pretty it was. Part of the ride was along Blue Mesa Lake which extends about 15 miles. Stopped mid-day for a choc. milk shake and a boost of energy before another long climb. Lunch in Gunnison. What a day! Tomorrow we climb Monarch Pass and into Salida, CO. This was a day to remember!
June 23, 2010
Daily Miles, 80.5
Total trip miles: 1300
Elevation Gain for day: 7,050

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 17, Grand Junction to Montrose, CO, 71 Miles, Hot and Windy

In the spirit of the Colorado Buffalos! Sculpture DT Grand Junction

A scuplture in DT Grand Junction, bet the artitist loves we climbed on his piece.

A good lunch after a long ride,

Larry, Rob, Scott and Lester

Day 17 was suppose to be a short, easy 70 mile ride! I don't think sooo! We were treated to stiff head winds and hot temps. The day started with a nice easy tour through the downtown area of Grand Junction and then a 10 mile ride on a nice bike path. The fun ended and the work began. 61 miles of gradual climbs and wind. Who's complaining, I am paying to do this! Lunch was at a great bakery in old downtown Montrose, it more then made up for the hard ride. Tomorrow we head to Gunnison. Get to start some big climbs, I love to climb.

June 22, 2010
Daily Mileage: 71
Total Miles to date: 1,219
Elevation Climbed today 3,130

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 16 Green River UT to Grand Junction CO 102 Miles, W:0-5 SW, Temp 65-95

Leaving Green River UT early morning

Moab in the back ground, Kevin, Rob, Phil & Rick

Picture says it all, my native state!

Colorado River entering Grand Junction, CO

Day 16, 3rd century ride of our journey. We are in the colorful state of Colorado. What a perfect day to ride a 102 miles. Weather was ideal, no head winds and temps. were perfect. We departed to the sun rising over the Moab area and spent the day riding rolling hills with the Rocky Mountains in the distance. Got a great tour of downtown Grand Junction, lot of sculptures done by Colorado artist. On to Montrose tomorrow, shorter day.
June 21,2010
Miles today: 102
Total miles to date: 1,149
Elevation Gain Today: 3,600

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 15 Price to Green River, UT 67 Miles: W 5-35 SE, T: 65-90

Tourist taking in the sights after a windy ride!

Arches National Park

My new BFF Larry Johnson

Long straight road

Day 15, Big day we passed the 1,000 mile mark for the trip only 3,300 to go! In the spirit of the US Open Golf championship held this weekend at Pebble Beach, today was a tail of a great front 9 and a not so great back 9. The first 33 miles we had little wind, great scenery and rolling hills. The next 32 miles the wind picked up into a head wind, and what was suppose to be and easy day turned hard. We were able to do some site seeing this afternoon, taking a tour of Arches National Park. It was spectacular! Worth giving up the afternoon in the pool and napping. Tomorrow we exit Utah and head into our 4th state, Colorado. 102 miles to Grand Junction, CO.

June 20, 2010
Miles today: 67
Total Miles today: 1,053
Elevation Gain today: 1,300

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 14, Provo to Price, UT. 75 miles, W: 15-35, Temp 65-85

Morning shadows leaving Provo UT

Phil and Joy take a Coke break

Butch Cassidy on the Left

Phil young from Chevy Chase MD

Day 14 served up strong head winds to start along with almost 4,000 feet of vertical climbing and some spectacular views. A 10 mile decent was tappered by strong headwinds, so a normal 30-40 mph downhill ride was scaled back to 20-25 mph and had to peddel to get that. We rode most of the day through the stomping grounds of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Meet the great, great grand-daughter of a local that owned a store frequented by Butch Cassidy. Ended the ride with one of the best cheese burgers and choc. milk shakes I have ever had. Then dinner packed with pasta and cookies. Tomorrow Green River, UT!
June 19, 2010
Miles today: 75
Total miles to date: 986
Elevation gain 3,930