Map of Trip

Map of Trip
Cross Country Challenge 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Final post for my X-country Challenge, My friends on the Tour

These are the 26 friends I crossed the US with, They are from all walks of life and all ages. We accomplished our goal of riding Coast to Coast. I look forward to riding with any of them when and if the opportunity presents itself. Thanks to you all for helping achieve my goal.

Big John Hurley, MA Scott Rossiter, MA

Rand Fortin, OH Adella Frederick, CA Scott Rossiter and Rob Ahlquist, MA

Don Fair, MD Phil Young, MD

Larry Frederick, CA Rick Soar, New Zealand Shawn Clark, CA

Michelle Sahli, Tour Director Pam Shedd, Staff, AZ Judy Clawson, Staff, MANew

Cindy Stephens, CA Rob Rowley, TX Tony Schroeder, OH

Joy Walker, GA Wade Schroeder, OH

Freddy Shapiro, MI Carolyn Oros, CA Fran Digiano, NC

Geoorge Schlesinger, CA Nancy Lockman, WI Gloria Bralick, WI

Gerard Boisse, CA Lester Bridges, CA Alex Sahli, Staff, NY

Rob Ahlquist, MA Larry Johnson, OH

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 52: Manchester to Portsmouth, NH 62 miles, W: 0-10 E, Temp Perfect, Clear

Atlantic Ocean, July 27, 2010

Bikes getting ready for the last leg to the beach.

Loren, Phil and Cindy at the last sag stop of the trip

Rick and Rob Rowley having a cup of coffee 12 miles from the beach.

Riding along the beach as a group for the last time.

Larry enjoy a cool drink after the beach.

The boat.

Rob, Rick and Phil before we go our seperate ways.

14th state in 52 days.


Day 52: EFI (every fantastic inch) 3,990 miles, 124,479 feet climbed, 52 days away from home and family, 31+ new friends, over 1.0 Million revolutions of my pedals.

Monday, July 26, 2010

This a steep tree lined road, picture doesn't do it justice.

One of many clear, cool, scenic lakes with cottages around it.

Kiwi Rick from New Zealand, always pushing a hard gear. Big John right behind him.

This road was steep, look at the trees they are straight up and d0wn. Lots of old head stones in this grave yard.

A typical New England church.

Beautiful home in downtown Manchester.

Wild Thing Rob Rowley, you can tell he is a Texan.

Day 51: Last long ride of the trip. I wasn’t planning on doing another 100 mile ride, but because of a missed turn and having to retrace several miles to get back on route, what was going to be a 83 mile day turned into 100 plus. New Hampshire like Vermont is a biking mecca. The roads, scenery, up hills and down hills provided for a great day of riding. Two of the climbs today, both a little over a mile each that had grades exceeding 21%. I think the staff was intentional about keeping these climbs a secret for fear a mutiny. We had similar terrain as yesterday, lots of trees, streams, lakes and beautiful old homes. Tonight we had a farewell dinner since some of the riders will depart after we hit the Atlantic ocean tomorrow. It was chance for each of us to share some thoughts about our ride and to reminisce about the journey. This ride for me was about fulfilling a goal that Tim and I had set together. After 62 miles tomorrow I will have achieved that goal. Tim, like so many people on this ride, have pushed me beyond my comfort zone and to expect more of myself. I am grateful for the friends I have made along the way and look forward to the opportunity to riding with them in the future.
July 26, 2010
MIles today: 100.2
Climbing today: 6,159

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 50: Latham, NY to Brattleboro, VT, 85.25 miles, W: 5-15 SW, Temp 70-80, partly cloudy

This is the scenery we looked at most of the day.

First time ever in Vermont.

Very tempting to jump in and cool off.

You know you are in New England with sights like this.

Rob, Phil and Rick on top of Hogback Mountain.

Luinch spot in Brattleboro, VT

Scott giving instructions to a local fishing for his dinner.

Day 50: I experienced two first for me today; 1st I crossed into Vermont, a state I have never been in and 2nd I exceed 50+ mph on a bike. That’s fast. What a day, we covered 85 miles of spectacular country. It felt like we were traveling through Europe. There were mountains, streams, covered bridges, lakes, country inns, the sights never ended. I can only imagine what the fall foliage tours through New England would be like. We had a couple of good climbs. The first climb was over 8 miles long and grades were 8% for most of the climb. The decent was fast, with the wind and the steep pitch it was easy to go fast. The 2nd climb up Hogback Mtn. was shorter but provided a panoramic view of Mt. Washington and the surrounding mountains. We entered in the historic town of Brattleboro, VT and had lunch at a restaurant on Connecticut river. It was a great day on the bike. 2 days left, on to Manchester, NH tomorrow.
July 25, 2010
Miles today 85
Total miles: 3,827
Climbing today: 5,402